The service begins the single, three-day liturgy of the Triduum, in which Jesus’ passion, death and resurrection is made present to us here and now. Let us attend the Last Supper and receive the gift of the Holy Eucharist: the Body, Blood Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. In the washing of the feet, we will be invited to pour ourselves out like the water to love and serve one another as it has been done for us. We will be asked with the disciples in the Gospel accounts to watch and pray with the Lord during His time of anguish & surrender in the Garden of Gethsemane, and so the evening concludes with a time of silent prayer and adoration after communion. Eucharistic Adoration will follow until midnight for those who would like to stay
This service continues the single, three-day liturgy of the Triduum, in which Jesus’ passion, death and resurrection is made present to us here and now. On this stark and solemn Friday we call "Good", we will enter into the moment that forever changed - and still changes - all human history, the great self-gift of the Son of God who did for us what we could never do for ourselves by trampling on death by death. Each of us will be invited to come forward to kiss or venerate the wood of the cross.
This service concludes the single, three-day liturgy of the Triduum, in which Jesus’ passion, death and resurrection is made present to us here and now. On this holy night, we return to keep watch at the tomb, celebrating the resurrection of Christ in the sacraments and awaiting his return in glory. We will gather around a blazing fire to experience the dispelling of darkness by the light of Christ. The story of our salvation history will be proclaimed and celebrated. We will be sprinkled with the newly blessed waters of the baptismal font, in which we too die and rise with Christ to newness of life. Our celebration culminates with the liturgy of the Eucharist, in which each of us are invited to intimately encounter the risen Lord through Holy Communion.
“The Lord is truly risen, alleluia!” Join us to celebrate the joy of the Jesus’ resurrection.