Daily Mass or Word & Communion Service: If the Johnston School District cancel classes or have a delayed start due to snow or ice, then daily Mass or Word & Communion Service will be cancelled. However, if the Johnston School District cancels or has a delayed start due to COLD, then daily Mass or Word and Communion will not be cancelled.
K-6 Faith Formation, Junior High and High School Youth Group: K-6 Faith Formation, Junior High and High School Youth Group: If the Johnston Community School District has a school cancellation, early out, or cancellation of evening activities due to weather, Faith Formation, Youth Group, and Sacramental prep activities will also be cancelled. The Faith Formation office may use further discretion to cancel, even if JCSD activities are not cancelled. We will always communicate cancellations via email and Flocknote.
Choir Practice: If the Johnston Community School District has a school cancellation, early out, or cancellation of evening activities due to weather, Choir Practice will be cancelled.
Other Church Activities: Group leaders will decide.
Weekend Mass: Father John will decide and communicated to everyone via email and Facebook.