“People who say that we priests are lonely are either lying or have got it all wrong. We are far less lonely than anyone else, for we can count on the constant company of the Lord, with whom we should be conversing without interruption. We are in love with Love, with the Author of Love!" – St. Josemaria Escriva
Through this sacrament, men are called by the Church to a life-time commitment of servant leadership in persona Christi Capitis, or in the person of Christ the Head. This is what gives him the power to celebrate the Eucharist and administer the sacraments. The essential services that priests carry out are what keep the Church alive. They are to preach the Gospel, celebrate the sacraments, and encourage and support the people of God in their mission of service especially to the poor and needy. There are three “orders” to the sacrament: deacon, priest and bishop.
Feeling called to help encourage vocations? Consider helping with initiatives sponsored by our Vocations Committee and praying the Diocese of Des Moines' vocations prayer.
Feeling called to discern a vocation to priesthood (or religious life)? There are many resources and listening ears at the diocesan vocations office.