Our Christian lives find their source and summit in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, particularly at Mass. The Eucharist is not a holy thing, but a divine person - Jesus Christ, fully present in his risen & glorified humanity.
In celebrating the Holy Eucharist and receiving communion, we share in the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ under the appearance of simple bread and wine.
Here at St. Mary's, children in second grade Faith Formation prepare for their first Reconciliation and Eucharist. For information on preparation, visit our children's sacramental prep page.
If you, or your child who is older than second grade, have not had their first Communion and wish to do so, please contact our Becoming Catholic ambassadors about our individualized inquiry & formation process.
The sacraments aren't magic, but only give grace to the extent that we desire to receive the Lord. Eucharistic Adoration is a great way to increase your hunger for communion with Jesus. Learn more about spending time face to face with Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration.
For Holy Communion for the sick, the elderly and shut-ins please call the parish office and arrangements will be made.