Bring the little ones to me. . .for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. ~ Luke 18:16
Children's Liturgy of the Word is when the children leave the congregation to celebrate and reflect on the Sunday Gospel in an age appropriate way. The children are led through prayers, songs and readings adapted to their level of understanding. This takes place during 9am Mass.
Kids age 3 and older are invited to join if they are comfortable being away from their parents and siblings. We are on break for the summer! We will return in September 2023!
Your child must be age 3 by September 1st, 2023.
No enrollment is needed for Children's Liturgy of the Word at St. Mary of Nazareth, and there are no fees! If you are at 9am Mass on a Children's Liturgy Sunday and would like your child to attend Children's Liturgy, please begin by sitting together as a family at the start of Mass. Just before the readings, Father will ask for the kids to come to the altar for a blessing and then dismiss them. The catechist will stand at the back of the church to signal that it is time to go.
A yellow sign will be posted on the bulletin board as you enter the church stating, "Children’s Liturgy Today.”
Please note that this program is offered at the 9am Mass only. Due to limited space, we ask that no parents or siblings attend with their child. We understand if you would like to walk back for the first class to get them used to it, but after that we ask that you remain in mass.
Your child will go with you into church and will be dismissed by Father just after the opening prayer – also watch the leader as a signal that it is time to go. We will also post a YELLOW SIGN that says “Children’s Liturgy Today” on the bulletin board just as you go into church so you will know for sure that we are having class. If you don’t see the YELLOW SIGN, please do not send your child out. Please make sure that your child is aware of where you are seated in the church so they know where to go when we return, which is just after the Prayers of the Faithful. Also, please watch for them as we are coming back in.