Never been baptized?
Baptized Christian seeking full communion with Catholicism?
Baptized Catholic but never received First Communion or Confirmation?
Explore your interest at your own pace, with your own goals in mind.
Even if you don't become Catholic, we're honored to be companions on your journey!
A small group conversation with a couple of our parishioners who serve as inquiry ambassadors. This is a casual opportunity, perhaps over coffee, for us to listen to your unique faith story and discover how we can best help you on your spiritual journey. This will usually happen over the course of one to three casual get-togethers, depending on your interest level.
If you want to begin preparation to become Catholic or complete your initiation, we'll put together an individualized formation plan based on your unique goals & needs expressed in the earlier conversations. We will go over this, and tweak it if necessary, at another small group meeting. We can also provide guidance in getting you matched with a sponsor (a faithful Catholic who can accompany you on this journey as a faith companion & help you work through your formation plan.)
As part of your individualized plan, you can expect to be invited into the following experiences:
That is as unique as you are! For some, it could take a few months, and others a few years! We want to avoid meaningless hoops, as well as not pressure you to progress faster than you might be comfortable with. Also remember, there is no commitment required when you reach out and beginning talking with an Inquiry Ambassador!
You will have the opportunity, if and when you so desire, to declare your intention to become Catholic and enter a deeper phase of formation in preparation to receive the Sacraments of Initiation. This marks the beginning of your journey through OCIA, which stands for the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults. This transition is marked by the Rite of Acceptance (for the unbaptized) or Rite of Welcoming (for those already baptized), which can be celebrated during a weekend Mass multiple times throughout the year to accommodate your journey. After celebrating the appropriate rite, you move into a new phase of formation which may entail:
Monthly "Becoming Catholic" Sessions. Formation sessions will tentatively be held one Sunday/month, with a couple of retreat days possible. This is an opportunity to go deeper into the questions and topics pertinent to your journey as you prepare for the Sacraments of Initiation and train for a life of Catholic discipleship. Members of our faith community will be present to guide the learning & discussion, provide relevant prayer experiences and share their testimonies of faith. Childcare can be provided on an as needed basis. Meetings with your sponsor give you one on one opportunities to grow closer to Jesus Christ.
When ready for initiation: Those seeking baptism will be welcomed into the Church during an Easter Vigil, with special liturgical rites leading up to it during the Lenten season. Those only needing Confirmation and/or Eucharist can be received into full communion at various masses throughout the year.