Christian initiation is accomplished by three sacraments together: Baptism which is the beginning of new life; Confirmation which is its strengthening; and, the Eucharist which nourishes the disciple with Christ's Body and Blood for his transformation in Christ.
In Baptism, God claims us as sons and daughters, bringing us into the Body of Christ, the Church, which gives us new life in Jesus and makes us sharers of His mission.
Baptisms for infants & young children are normally scheduled during any Mass or after the 5pm Mass on Saturday or the 11:00 am Mass on Sunday, except during the Lenten season. First time parents must attend a baptism prep session designed to give parents an opportunity to meet other parents and to reflect on their own faith as they contemplate celebrating the baptism of their child. Topics include requirements of parents and godparents, explanation of the sacrament, the rite of baptism, how to arrange your child’s baptism and other pertinent topics. Contact Bridget in the parish office to register for the class and schedule your child's baptism.
Baptisms for adults joining the Catholic Church and older children If you are an adult desiring to be baptized, or have a child over the age of seven to be baptized, see our Becoming Catholic page.